Computer Science
- Code: 600-190102
- Semester: 1st
- Study Level: Undergraduate
- Course type: General Background
- Teaching and exams language: Greek
- The course is offered to Erasmus students
- Teaching Methods (Hours/Week): Lectures (3)
- ECTS Units: 4
- Course homepage:
- Instructors: Kountios Georgios
- Class Schedule:
Course Contents
The course aims to make the student able to find, organize and design information and solve problems in the agricultural sector by using a computer and the respective programs. The aim of the course is to cover the student’s cognitive needs and interests on the most widespread and renewed operating system of computers as well as the software used to solve problems of an organized office, in the agricultural sector and agricultural production. The aim of the course is for students to have a direct knowledge using the laboratory part of the course, with the application of theoretical knowledge in applications of the agricultural sector.
Educational Goals
At the end of the course students will have understood issues related to computers, computer parts, PC applications, Introduction to Windows and Office. At the same time they have been “exposed” to the use of text Configurator, presentations, and Internet usage. They will be able to handle software editor, spreadsheet, presentation creation and combine the use of basic software that one encounters in practice. Upon completion of the modules will be able to successfully cope with the requirements in computer knowledge that are considered a prerequisite for successful introduction to the workplace.
General Skills
- Retrieve, analyze and synthesize data and information, with the use of necessary technologies.
- Adapt to new situations.
- Decision making.
- Work autonomously.
- Generating new research ideas.
- Design and project management.
- Criticism and self-criticism.
- Promote free, creative and inductive thinking.
- Working in an interdisciplinary environment.
Teaching Methods
- Face to face.
Use of ICT means
- Χρήση e-media: Παρουσιάσεις μέσω PowerPoint, Χρήση εξειδικευμένου λογισμικού, επικοινωνία μέσω moodle.
Teaching Organization
Activity | Semester workload |
Lectures | 13 |
Laboratory Work | 26 |
Study and analysis of scientific papers and book chapters | 20 |
Autonomous study | 30 |
Συγγραφή εργασίας | 31 |
Total | 120 |
Students Evaluation
- Εξέταση στο θεωρητικό μέρος του μαθήματος(Διαλέξεις) με δοκιμασία πολλαπλής επιλογής και ερωτήσεις σύντομης απάντησης: 40%
- Εξέταση στο εργαστηριακό μέρος του μαθήματος, που περιλαμβάνει:
1. Επίλυση προβλημάτωνμε χρήση εφαρμογών γραφείου (officesuite)(35%)
2. Γραπτή εργασία με χρήση εφαρμογών γραφείου(officesuite)(25%).
Recommended Bibliography
- Γκλαβά, Μ. (2018). 7 σε 1: Windows 10, Office 2016, Βήμα προς βήμα. Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις ΔΙΣΙΓΜΑ
- Τσαδήρας, Αθ. (2018). Πληροφορική για την Οικονομία και τη Διοίκηση: Εφαρμογές και Ασκήσεις. Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Ζυγός
- Βογιατζής, Ι. & Αντωνοπούλου, Η. (2018). Υλικό, Λογισμικό και Επικοινωνίες Υπολογιστών (2η έκδοση). Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Νέων Τεχνολογιών ΙΚΕ
- Vermaat, M.E., Freund, S., Hoisington, C. Schmieder, E., Last, M.Z. (2019). Microsoft Office 365 & Office 2016: Introductory 1st Edition. ShellyCashmanSeries
- Parsons J.J., Oja, D., Carey, P., DesJardins, C. (2019). Microsoft Office 365 & Excel 2016: Comprehensive 1st Edition. NewPerspectives.
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