Giannakoula Anastasia

Dr. Anastasia Giannakoula is an Associate Professor specializing in “Physiology of plant abiotic stress” at the Department of Agriculture of the International University of Greece (IHU). She graduated from the Department of Agriculture of AUTH in 1996. In March 2009, she was awarded a doctorate by the Biology Department of AUTH, specializing in Plant Physiology. In 2013, she completed her Postdoctoral Research in the Department of Agriculture, while in 2016 she was selected as a Postdoctoral Fellow of IKY. In the Postgraduate Programs of the Department, she is the responsible professor for the courses: Advanced Physiology and Alternative Crops in Agriculture while participating in the teaching of the course Environmental Pollution & Actions.
Her main research interests include: Study of cultivated and native plants under environmental stress conditions. Photoprotection of the photosynthetic mechanism. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and secondary metabolites. Morphological, physiological and biochemical responses of plants to abiotic stress conditions. She is a reviewer of papers in several international journals. She is a member of scientific committees in Greece and internationally, while he participates in scientific societies. Her published work amounts to 52 research papers in international journals with a significant impact index and 50 papers in international and Greek conferences. Her overall work has a significant number of cross-references in the various databases (google scholar>2500 h-index 21, scopus >1600 h-index 21). She has participated in 10 research projects, including one as Scientific Manager.

Scientific Field:
Plant Physiology
Courses taught:
(600-190301) Plant Anatomy Morphology, (600-190401) Plant Physiology, (600-193011) Post-Harvest Physiology and Treatment of Agricultural Products
Office Hours:
Tuesday 14:00-16:00, Wednesday and Friday 12:00-14:00
Phone Number:
+30 2310 013331
[javascript protected email address]
Public Profiles: